Go.Charge FAQs

How can I update the charging stations on the map?

To update the charging stations on the map, click the button illustrated with the spiral arrow in the lower left corner. When you click it, the button should start to spin, indicating that you are updating the information. When it has finished spinning, the stations have been updated.

What is the difference between the different points shown on the map?

Several icons are placed on the map to indicate the location of the charging stations. The purpose of these icons is to inform the user of the number of stations in a location (one or more) and the network they belong to (Mobi.E, Go.Charge, Tesla, EVIO, Roaming, among others). To understand the difference between the different icons used, open the main menu, and click on the last option of this to open the map legend.

How can I center my current position on the map?

To center the map on your current position, click the button illustrated by a crosshair icon in the lower left corner.

How can I check the detail of the charging cost?

Navigate to "Map" and select a charging station. On the map, open the station's detail view and click the "i" icon to the right of the "Estimated Cost" label.

How can I access the invoices of the shipments made?

Navigate to the APP statistics by selecting the second option from the main menu. Click on the "History" tab and choose the session from which you want to access the issued invoice. On the "Session Summary" screen, click on "Download Invoice".

What information can I see in the details of a charging station?

When you open the details of a charging station, you can view information such as the identifier code, address and general classification of the station, the network the station is part of, the manufacturer of the station and the model name. Furthermore, you can also check the availability of the charger and how far away it is.

Additionally, you can check the status of the sockets and calculate an estimated charging cost, depending on the socket selected, its tariff, and the charging duration.

How can I view the charging station details?

Navigate to the map, select a station, and click on its name to view its details.

How can I simulate a charging according to my EV and charging station?

Select a station on the map and open the station details. Choose an outlet of the station by clicking on the outlet you want to use for charging. Use the "Estimated cost" section to calculate an estimate of the cost of a charging session by sliding the bar to select the desired charging duration.

What information can I get from simulating a charging session?

By simulating a charging session, you can estimate how many kWh will be charged during the session and what the associated cost will be.

How can I apply filters to the charging stations according to my needs?

Navigate to the map and click on the first icon in the search bar to open the "Filters" screen. Select the filters you want to use and click the "Apply" button at the bottom. Only the charging stations on the map that match the filters you have set will be displayed.

How can I join different charging networks?

From the moment you create your Go.Charge account, you will have access to the Go.Charge network automatically. To join other charging networks, navigate to the "My Account" screen and click on "Contracts". Select the network you want to join and click on the "Join" button. Fill in the required data and follow the steps to make your membership request.

How can I report a problem at the charging station?

Navigate to the map and select the charging station you want to report a problem to. Open the station details and click the "Report problem" button at the bottom of the screen.
To report directly to the station operator:
Use the contact details (mobile or email) displayed on the "Report incident" screen.

To report the problem to Go.Charge:
Select a problem from the list of predefined options or select "Other" and describe the problem in the text box.
Click "Submit" to report the problem.

What is the difference between starting the charge with the APP or with the physical card?

Starting a charging session via the mobile APP or using the physical card is essentially the same action. However, both formats, virtual and physical, have their advantages:
  • Go.Charge virtual card: You don't need to bring your Go.Charge card with you. With a few clicks, you just select the station and start charging through the APP.

  • Physical Go.Charge card: No need to find the station in the APP to start charging, just park next to the station and swipe the card to start the session.

Why should I request a physical card?

With a physical card you don't have to worry about the APP, which allows you, in a much more intuitive and simple way, to arrive at a charging station of your choice, swipe the card at the station and start charging without further delay. The choice is yours; the work is ours. Currently, it is recommended to request a physical card, since there are still some stations of the public network MOBI.E that may present problems when starting a charging session if this is done through the mobile APP.

What is the advantage of having a virtual or physical card with Go.Charge?

Regardless of the format, having a Go.Charge card only brings you advantages:
  • Go.Charge virtual card: Through the APP you have access to several charging networks, allowing you to aggregate consumptions in the same virtual card.

  • Physical Go.Charge card: A physical Go.Charge card allows you to consolidate your access data from several networks into a single card, allowing you to use the same card in different networks.

How can I view my ongoing charging sessions?

Navigate to the map and click on the button illustrated with the icon of a cell/battery being charged, located in the lower right corner of the screen. Clicking will open a new screen that has two tabs, where you can:
  • Sessions tab: View the charging sessions initiated by you that are currently in progress.

  • My Stations Sessions tab: View the charging sessions taking place at your charging stations, initiated by you or other users.

What can I see in my ongoing upload sessions?

When viewing your ongoing loading sessions, you can check several variables:

Sessions tab:
  • Model and maker of the EV being charged.
  • Identifier code and address of the charging station.
  • Duration of the charging session.
  • Energy consumed.
  • Instantaneous power of the charger.
  • Cost of the charging session.

My Stations Sessions tab:
  • Name of the infrastructure to which the charging station belongs.
  • Number of stations belonging to the same infrastructure, with sessions running.
  • Name and address of the charging station.
  • Type of outlet to be used.
  • Duration of the charging session.
  • Energy consumed.
  • Instantaneous power of the charger.
  • Recipe of the charging session.

How and at which charging stations can I use the QR code?

The Go.Charge charging stations have a QR code that allows you to start your session immediately by scanning the code.

To do so, go to a Go.Charge charging station and follow these steps:
  • Open the Go.Charge APP and navigate to the map.
  • Click the button illustrated with a QR code icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Point your device's camera at the post's QR code so that it can be read.
  • Confirm that the station and socket are correct, select the EV to use, and click "Start".

How can I save charging stations as favorites?

Navigate to the map and click on a charging station of your choice. A small menu will open with brief details of the station. Click on the button illustrated with a heart icon, located in the upper right corner, to add this charging station to your favorites list.

How do I register and login?

On the map, click the button with the Go.Charge logo to open the main menu.  Select the first menu option.
In the "My Account" screen click on the "Login" option.

If you do not already have a Go.Charge account:
  • Click "Create Account."
  • Fill out the form fields on the registration screen and click the "Create Account" button.
  • You will receive an SMS/email with the verification code/confirmation email to validate that the information entered is correct.
  • Enter the verification code in the respective field and click the "Finish"/Click on the email confirmation link.
  • You now have a Go.Charge account.

If you already have a Go.Charge account:
  • Click "Sign In."
  • Enter your mobile number/email and password and click the "Sign In" button.
  • At this point, you are logged into the APP and ready to use your Go.Charge account.

How can I view the history of the charges I have made?

On the map, click the button with the Go.Charge logo to open the main menu. Select the second option from the menu. Click the "History" tab. You will be presented with a list of the history of sessions you have performed with your account in the last month. You also have the option to view the session history for the last half year and last year.

What kind of statistics can I view?

Through the APP, you can check various statistics of your vehicles and charging stations. These statistics include variables such as total charging time, number of sessions, total cost/revenue, total energy charged, and total CO2 emissions. In addition, you can also see the average charging time and energy charged per session. Additionally, if you have charging stations and make them available to other Go.Charge users, you have at your disposal the rating of each station, assigned by users at the end of the charging session, as well as a metric that indicates which station and/or connector is used the most.

How can I load money into my wallet?

Navigate to your digital wallet by selecting the card icon in the main menu.
To add funds to your wallet, click on the "+" symbol to the right of your balance. Next, select the amount you wish to load your account with and your preferred payment method.

If you choose MB Way:
  • Enter the mobile number associated with the MB Way account you wish to use for the payment and click "Confirm".
  • Process the payment through the MB Way APP.

In case you choose ATM reference:
  • Use the entity and reference data to make the payment. If you prefer, you can enter a cell phone number so that these details are sent to you by SMS.

In case you choose Credit Card Deposit:
  • If you have not yet entered a credit card, select the "New Credit Card" option, and fill out the form with the details of the card you want to use.
  • Select the credit card you want to use and click "Confirm".

The amount shown in your wallet balance may take a few minutes to update after a recharge.

What is the virtual wallet for?

The virtual wallet allows you to load an exact amount onto your account balance. Its main advantage is that you do not have to associate any direct debit payment method.

What is the difference between charging my vehicle using the balance in my wallet or with an associated credit card?

If you prefer to have greater control over your spending, your digital wallet balance allows you to set a limit amount to use for your top-ups. However, by linking a credit card, the cost of your charging sessions will be charged directly to your card, without you having to worry about your balance.

How can I associate an invoicing profile?

Navigate to your digital wallet and click on the "Billing Profile" button. To create or edit your billing profile, click on the button illustrated by a pencil icon in the upper right corner of the screen, fill out the form and click "Save".

How can I enable or disable notifications from the APP?

Navigate to the "My Account" screen and click on the "Notifications" option. Choose the notifications you want to enable/disable using the switches.

How can I change my login information?

Navigate to the "My Account" screen and click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner.

If you want to change your cell phone number:
  • Click the "Change Mobile No." button, located directly below the "Mobile No." field.
  • On the "Change Mobile No." screen, enter the number you want to use and click the "Save" button.
  • From this point on, your account will be deactivated. You will be sent an SMS to the number you entered to verify that the number entered is valid and belongs to you.
  • Enter the verification code in the APP to confirm your new request and log in.

If you want to change the password:
  • Click the "Password" button located immediately after the "Mobile No." field.
  • Fill in the form fields with your current password and the new password you wish to use and click "Save".
  • Your session will be terminated, and you will have to log in again, with your new password.

What conditions affect the charging power (speed) with which we charge an electric vehicle?

The main conditioning factors for charging are the following:
Charging power of the Charging Station (external charger).
Maximum power accepted by the EV (internal charger).
Charging cables.
Others (outside temperature, battery temperature, etc.).

How do I know what type of outlet my vehicle has?

In our APP when you select your vehicle and click on it, all the sockets accepted by your vehicle will appear.
Install our APP for free and enjoy the best APP for electric mobility.

What should I consider when choosing a charger for charging my vehicle at home?

When choosing a home charging equipment, you should pay attention to:
  • Contracted power in your home/business.
  • The vehicle's internal charger (maximum power accepted)
  • The number of kilometers you need to travel daily.
Contact us and we will help you find the best solution.

How can I calculate the time it takes to load my vehicle?

To arrive at an approximation, the simplest way is to use the following formula:
  • Desired capacity to charge (in kWh) / charger power (in kW)

Ex: Scenario of charging 20 kWh on a 3.7 kW charger: 20kWh/3,7kW=5,4h.

The above values are only an approximation, and there are other constraints that may affect this charging time.

How do you choose between charging at home or on a public or private network?

The choice should be based on the price you are willing to pay and how fast you need to charge.
Usually, charging at a home charger will be slower and cheaper.
Charging at a Public Private network station will be faster, but more expensive.

What is Mobi.E?

Mobi.E network, or Electric Mobility Network, is a network of universal access, interoperable and user-centric electric vehicle charging stations.
The network integrates all public access and private access charging stations installed by any of the CPOs and the private access charging stations connected to the network at the option of the DPC.

How is the tariff structure of the Public Grid (Mobi.E) composed?

The price of a Public Network (Mobi.E) charge contains the following components:
  • CPO (Charging Point Operator) component.
    Corresponds to the use of the recharging points and the compulsory tariffs imposed on them.
  • CEME component (Electricity Supply for Electric Mobility)
    Corresponds to the electricity sales service and the compulsory tariffs applicable.
  • Taxes and Fees
    VAT, IEC (special tax on electricity consumption) and TAR (grid access tariffs defined annually by ERSE).

Can I use Go.Charge CEME card to charge at service stations in the Public Network?

Yes. However, the card must be associated in the APP to become active, otherwise it will not work.

How can I take advantage of the best Go.Charge prices in the Public network?

The CEME Go.Charge tariff distinguishes between off-peak (10 pm - 8 am) and on-peak (8 am - 10 pm). To get the best prices, top-ups should be made at off-peak times because the grid access tariffs are lower.
However, the Go.Charge tariff is always very competitive so that any time of day you charge you will always get a good price.

How many stations does the Mobi.E network have?

Currently, the network has more than 2,700 charging stations throughout the country, of which more than 800 are fast or ultrafast charging stations, that is, their power is greater than 22 kW.

What is the Go.Charge Private Network?

Go.Charge Private Network is a network of Go.Charge recharging stations, available only through the Go.Charge APP. At these charging stations you can benefit from very attractive rates.
Now, our network is not very large, but we are expanding it. Stay with us and keep up with this growth.

How is the Go.Charge Private Network tariff structure composed ?

The price of a charge on the Go.Charge Private Network contains the following components:
  • Charging service component.
  • VAT.

Is charging at home the cheapest option?

Yes, charging your vehicle at home is currently (generally) the cheapest option. However, using a good CEME tariff, such as Go.Charge, you can charge your vehicle on the Mobi.E network at competitive prices.

I want to buy a charging equipment + installation for my vehicle, how can I do it?

You should go to or contact your nearest Salvador Caetano Group dealer of your car brand. They will be able to help you with your purchase, assisting you in your choice and applying promotions that exist at the time.

I want to buy a charging equipment without installation for my vehicle, how can I do it?

You should go to or contact your nearest Salvador Caetano Group dealer of your car brand. They will be able to help you with your purchase, assisting you in your choice and applying promotions that exist at the time.

What equipment do you have and what are their prices?

To know our complete offer, you should go to or contact your nearest Salvador Caetano Group dealer. They will be able to show you all the available equipment and prices.

Can I buy the installation service without buying the charging equipment?

No. Only the complete package (equipment + installation) or only the equipment is sold.

Is the CEME Go.Charge card free?

Yes. The CEME Go.Charge card has no membership costs or annual fees and can be applied for through the website www.gocharge.pt using the form dedicated to that purpose or requested at a Grupo Salvador Caetano dealer.

What is the Caetano Go card?

The credit card with the functionality to unblock charging stations!
The Caetano Go card is a credit card with no annuity, full of advantages, services, and exclusive opportunities for all users! If you are already a Caetano Go Credit Card client, register at Clube Caetano Go, associate your card in your reserved area and become a Caetano Go Plus Client to unlock a universe of discounts!
To learn more or join, click here .

Important: To activate the functionality to unlock recharging stations, the card must be associated with the APP Go.Charge.

How do I activate my physical CEME card?

If you requested a physical card and have already received it, then you must proceed to activate it. You can activate your physical Go.Charge card through the APP Go.Charge in the "contracts" area, in the "MOBI.E" section, selecting the "Activate card" option (you will need your NIPC/NIF, email and card number). After requesting the activation of the card, you will receive a notification confirming its activation for the MOBI.E network.

I want to receive a CEME card at home, how do I do it?

There are two ways to obtain a CEME Go.Charge card.

1. You should fill in the CEME card order form on the Go.Charge website (www.gocharge.pt) and you will receive the card at home.
Important: The card must be activated in the APP, otherwise it will not work

2. You should go to the Salvador Caetano Group dealer of the make of your car closest to you and request a CEME Go.Charge card.
Important: The card must be activated in the APP, otherwise it will not work.

What are the tariffs in force for Go.Charge’s Electricity Supplier for Electric Mobility (CEME)?

The tariffs in force can be consulted in the APP Go.Charge.

I lost my CEME card, how can I apply for a new one?

You should fill out the CEME card request form on the Go.Charge website (www.gocharge.pt) and you will receive the card at home. The card must be activated in the APP, otherwise it will not work.

Important: You should send an email to suporte@gocharge.pt explaining the situation and requesting the deactivation of the old card.

Can I request a CEME card through the APP?

No, as of today we still do not have this functionality, however, we are working on it now and it will be available soon.

Can I disassociate my current CEME card from the APP and associate a new one?

Yes, you can. As of today, to make this exchange you should send an email to suporte@gocharge.pt explaining the situation and we will take care of disassociating the current card. Then you just need to associate the new one.
In the future you will be able to do everything autonomously in the APP. We are working on it right now.

Can I associate a non-Go.Charge CEME card to the APP?

No, such action is not authorized in our APP.
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